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UV Equipment & Consulting Partners

MACOMB, MI – March 1st, 2021 – Allied PhotoChemical has announced a proactive Re-Shoring program with several KEY CUSTOMERS to support their efforts to move production back to the United States.

“Being proactive with any business engagement is positive, so we have formalized our Re-Shoring engagement program, based off several existing KEY CUSTOMER efforts,” says Michael Kelly – Chief Customer Officer.

The first stage is to understand the Economics / ROI on any type of Re-Shoring engagement and how to measure and assess the benefits of UV Coatings within the Customers’ manufacturing environment.

Summary of UV Coatings Technology Benefits are the following:

  • Arrow Faster Production Speeds – Significant increase in Thru-Put.
    • Coating instantly dries / No wait period / Instant handling
  • Smaller physical footprint
  • No ovens, IR, air tunnels, etc…
  • Typically smaller energy costs
  • Smaller quality costs / Almost no WIP – Work-in-Process
  • Arrow Cleaner
    • No emissions
    • No VOC – Volatile Organic Compounds
    • No HAP – Hazardous Air Pollutants

The second stage is to fully simulate the Customers’ manufacturing process and document how the UV process adds value to the Customers’ Re-Shoring effort; with detailed process drawings, ROI savings & environmental sustainability.

Utilizing this proven Engagement Program will only educate both the Customer and Key Partners – Allied & respective Equipment Companies.

About Allied PhotoChemical, Inc.
Allied PhotoChemical is a leading formulator and producer of UV, Solvent and Water-based coating technologies. Allied focuses on the capabilities of high quality product development, application and customization to exceed their customers’ needs and expectations. Allied’s products help customers achieve true ROI – Return on their Investment. Allied’s Customer FIRST initiatives put the Customer FIRST!.

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