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Allied PhotoChemical Receives Special Tribute from State of Michigan

MACOMB, MI – March 1st, 2021 – Allied PhotoChemical had the great privilege of hosting Michigan State Senator Michael MacDonald, where he presented us with a Special Tribute Document. The tribute acknowledged Allied’s contributions during the pandemic by making hand sanitizer and donating it to first responders and military personnel. During the visit, we were able to take Sen. MacDonald on a tour of our facility and give him more background on our specialty, UV curable coatings.

Special Tribute
Special Tribute
Special Tribute

About Sen. Mike MacDonald
Sen. MacDonald was elected to the Michigan Senate in November 2018 to represent the 10th District. His educational background consists of graduating from De La Salle High School, earning his Bachelor of Science from Western Michigan University, and getting his master’s degree in business at Oakland University with a doctoral degree in health administration. He serves on Appropriations Committee, Economic and Small Business Development Committee, and the Health Policy and Human Services Committee.

For more information about Sen. MacDonald visit www.senatormichaelmacdonald.com

About Allied PhotoChemical, Inc.
Allied PhotoChemical is a leading formulator and producer of UV, Solvent and Water-based coating technologies. Allied focuses on the capabilities of high quality product development, application and customization to exceed their customers’ needs and expectations. Allied’s products help customers achieve true ROI – Return on their Investment. Allied’s Customer FIRST initiatives put the Customer FIRST!.

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