MACOMB, MI – April 23, 2020 – Allied PhotoChemical has committed to sponsor the GLEANERS FOOD BANK for all their hand sanitizer needs for the rest of 2020. Allied will be delivering on average – 50 gallons per month to support their immediate needs, in a variety of containers / dispensers.
Recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Allied PhotoChemical has scaled over 30% of its manufacturing capacity to producing hand sanitizer. This was completed in less than 7 days, now providing hand sanitizer to local, Michigan and US Manufacturing Companies, plus donating to many local police/fire/EMS and charitable organizations.
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Headquartered in Detroit, Gleaners operates five distribution centers in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Livingston and Monroe counties and provides food to more than 500 partner soup kitchens, food pantries, shelters, and other agencies throughout southeast Michigan. Each year, Gleaners distributes more than 45 million pounds of food to neighbors in need! This results in an average of 100,000 meals distributed each day to families in need across our region. Gleaners also provides nourishing food and nutrition education to more than 200,000 children a year. Every dollar donated provides three meals and 92 cents of every donated dollar goes to food and food programs.
About Gleaners:
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About Allied PhotoChemical, Inc.
Allied PhotoChemical is a leading formulator and producer of UV, Solvent and Water-based coating technologies. Allied focuses on the capabilities of high quality product development, application and customization to exceed their customers’ needs and expectations. Allied’s products help customers achieve true ROI – Return on their Investment. Allied’s Customer FIRST initiatives put the Customer FIRST!.