MACOMB, MI – May 28th, 2021 – Allied PhotoChemical has announced UV University – A new Educational Series that encompasses the following:
Mr. UV Educational Series includes the following subject discussions:
UV is Everywhere Series provides a grouping of videos highlighting the use of UV Coatings in the Industrial Marketplace.
Custom UV Applications include the following UV Industrial Applications:
Please take a look at or
The goal of UV University is to educate Customers on UV Technology, overall Industrial Applications and a deep-dive into particular market verticals.
This is why the Allied team has decided to launch a new video series to help assist interested parties – Find out more about UV and understand its outreach in the marketplace.
Contact Name: Michael Kelly Contact Title: Chief Customer Officer
Company Name: Allied PhotoChemical, Inc. Telephone: +1 (586) 232-3637
Email: Website:
About Allied PhotoChemical, Inc.
Allied PhotoChemical is a leading formulator and producer of UV, Solvent and Water-based coating technologies. Allied focuses on the capabilities of high quality product development, application and customization to exceed their customers’ needs and expectations. Allied’s products help customers achieve true ROI – Return on their Investment. Allied’s Customer FIRST initiatives put the Customer FIRST!